Sunday, February 9, 2020

Coronavirus: A Door Opened in Wuhan, China

FEB 07, 2020

HeartCry Missionary Society

Whuhan 1

Dear Brethren,

I thought you might be interested in the current situation of Wuhan.

A few months ago, a pastor I know, along with church members, was preaching the gospel on the streets of Wuhan. He kept on street preaching even when Christians were not encouraged to share the gospel. But nothing stopped them from proclaiming the gospel, not even the plague.

Now it is the 10th day since the city has been separated by quarantine, and protective masks are the most valuable thing in Wuhan. Money is useless because you can’t find a store that sells the masks. People are in a desperate situation. In response, our brothers and sisters preach the gospel and give out tracks and free masks. They are sharing the word of hope and comfort from God. They have become more and more favored in the city, even in the authorities’ eyes.

These churches in Wuhan keep themselves away from all the rumors and political issues, they just do what a true Christian should do in this situation: preaching the gospel and being wittiness of true peace and true hope that come from Jesus Christ in front of the non-believers who are in panic and hopelessness.

A police officer came to one sister, listened to the gospel, and left with the track and mask happily. After a while, another police officer arrived, heard, and left with the tract and a mask also. Shortly, the first one came back saying another officer would like one too. Soon four more officers came! They are the ones who used to be concerned about the message. But now they came to Christians for help, and they bow down to our God.

The yellow (Christians wearing yellow suits for protection) has become the most beautiful color in the city. Christian gained the respect that they never had because of their willingness to risk their health to serve.

Wuhan 4

I thank God for their witness and full of joy for our Lord’s amazing work. Please put them into your prayers. Lots of them are overloaded. Compared with the doctors and nurses, their load is even more massive. For they know, that is the opportunity God gave to them to gain people to Christ. The opening may go soon.

Your brother,
P. Z.

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