Wednesday, March 19, 2025




A. W. Tozer

Many evangelical teachers insist so strongly upon free, unconditional grace as to create the impression that sin is not a serious matter and that God cares very little about it! They make it seem that God is only concerned with our escaping the consequences. The gospel, then, in practical application, means little more than a way to escape the fruits of our past! But the heart that has felt the weight of its own sin and has seen the dread whiteness of the Most High God will never believe that a message of forgiveness without transformation is a message of good news. To remit a man's past without transforming his present is to violate the moral sincerity of his own heart. To that kind of thing God will be no party! For to offer a sinner the gift of salvation based upon the work of Christ, while at the same time allowing him to retain the idea that the gift carries with it no moral implications, is to do him untold injury where it hurts him most!

Daring to Stand for Truth


A. W. Tozer

The nearer we draw to God's heart, the less taste we will have for controversy. The peace we know in God's bosom is so sweet that it is natural that we want to keep it unbroken to enjoy as fully and as long as possible. The Spirit-filled Christian is never a good fighter. He is at too many disadvantages. The enemy is always better at invective than he will allow himself to be. The devil has all the picturesque epithets, and his followers have no conscience about using them. The Christian is always more at home, blessing than he is opposing. He is, moreover, much thinner-skinned than his adversaries. He shrinks from an angry countenance and draws back from bitter words. They are symbols of a world he has long ago forsaken for the quiet of the kingdom of God where love and good will prevail. All this is in his favor, for it marks him out as a man in whom there is no hate and who earnestly desires to live at peace with all men. In spite of his sincere longing for peace, however, there will be times when he dare not allow himself to enjoy it. There are times when it is a sin to be at peace. There are circumstances when there is nothing to do but to stand up and vigorously oppose. To wink at iniquity for the sake of peace is not a proof of superior spirituality; it is rather a sign of a reprehensible timidity which dare not oppose sin for fear of the consequences. For it will cost us heavily to stand for the right when the wrong is in the majority, which is 100 percent of the time.

Friday, May 17, 2024

There’s a difference between being Christian and being religious THE REV. RENE’ MONETTE

Many people think that being religious is the same as being a Christian.

One of the greatest ironies is that many religious people are in fact not even close to being a Christian.

The word Christian actually began in Acts 11:26. "So it was that for a whole year, they assembled with the church and taught a great many people. And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch."

We learn from this that Christians were the first disciples. In fact, they were such good disciples that people began calling them "people who followed Christ."

It was probably a term that was used to refer to the people they felt had actually gone way overboard on this Jesus thing. Their lives had become so radically different because of Jesus. They were clearly identified as people who followed Christ.

Is there enough of a radical change in your life for people to refer to you as one of those people who completely and totally follow Jesus?

Unfortunately, a great deception in today’s world is the belief that simply being a religious person means you are a Christian.

Some people think that because you were raised in a Christian home and taught by Christian parents you are automatically a Christian. That is not true.

To clearly understand the difference we must look into God’s Word and see what God has said about being a true follower and disciple of Christ.

1. A Christian has undergone a radical life-changing experience.

Saul of Tarsus went from being a persecutor of Christians to being one of the greatest spokesmen for Jesus. That’s a radical change.

Peter went from being a hot-headed uncommitted fisherman to becoming committed enough to give his life for following Jesus. That’s a radical change.

A Christian undergoes a radical change where a religious person is simply trying to be good in their own efforts.

Jesus makes a radical change in our lives. That was His intention. God wants to change us. We need Him to change us.

Paul said it this way in II Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new."

2. A Christian changes because of what God has done on the inside.

This is one of the greatest differences between a real Christian and being religious. Being a Christian is the result of inward change, not outward actions.

God’s people have had a hard time walking in God’s ways and following God’s commands. The reason is that good works don’t change us, only Jesus changes us. God knew the Law and all its demands could never enable them to keep God’s ways.

Being a Christian is a person who has had a radical change, a person in whom God has performed a spiritual heart transplant, and a person who now walks in God’s ways because they want to.

God wanted to redeem us from the curse of sin and all its effects. God wanted to have a personal intimate relationship with us that could only happen if we had a spiritual heart transplant.

3. A Christian is someone who sees the need for repentance and is "born again."

The radical life-changing spiritual heart transplant causes a person to be "born again". Jesus used this term in John 3:3 as He talked to Nicodemus who was very religious. Jesus said, "I say unto you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God."

God wants you to allow truth to penetrate your heart. The truth is that you are a sinner unable to save yourself. You are lost, dying, and unable to be good enough to ever warrant the Kingdom of God.

Unfortunately many see being religious as a better way. They see the opportunity to try and be good enough in their own strength as a better alternative than allowing Jesus to change their hearts.

They want to believe that God will give out Heaven to all those who can balance out all the bad things with enough good things they do. Unfortunately, God says this is not true.

You see it was never God’s plan to make us righteous by the keeping of the Law, by good works, or by looking religious. God’s plan from the beginning was always and has always been the same. God’s plan is to make us righteous by our faith in Jesus Christ who was the perfect sacrifice for our sins.

That becomes a key difference between those who are religious and those who are Christians. One is a change on the outside, and one is a change on the inside.

Religious people see repentance as a ritual. Christians see repentance as a way of life. Religious people see their spirituality as something on the outside while a Christian sees it as something on the inside.

Religious people are quick to find a good rationalization for doing what they want to do and they are quick to condemn true Christians for taking the Bible too literally.

4. A Christian compares himself to the Word of God, not others.

To a Christian, the Bible, the Word of God is life and spiritual health. To a religious person, the Bible is a good book that is optional depending on what they think and feel.

A Christian compares himself to the light of the Word of God whereas a religious person compares himself to someone else who they think is worse than they.

Most religious people see themselves as okay, not too bad, as good as anybody, and certainly better than "those" people.

A Christian however knows the truth. A Christian examines himself not on a comparative basis with others, but based on what God says about him.

5. A Christian does good work because he has been changed.

A religious person does good work to impress God and others. A Christian does good works to reveal God to a lost and dying world.

You could say that one is revealing who man is and the other is revealing who God is.

Things may look similar on the outside, but things are radically different on the inside. The motives are completely different because God working on the inside is a lot different than the man trying to imitate God on the outside.

Many think they are okay because on the outside they look religious. They compare themselves to others and they don’t seem so bad. Unfortunately, we can never be good enough to merit a relationship with God. No matter how much good work we do, it will never be enough. Jesus kept telling the religious people of His day that they could never be good enough. He told them in Matthew 5:20

"For I say unto you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven."

They had a hard time accepting it back then and we have a hard time accepting it today.

If you have a hard time accepting this, ask yourself one simple question. If you can be good enough to go to heaven based on your good works, why did Jesus die for us? Why would He go to such lengths to suffer so much if you could be made righteous by your good works? The answer is obvious. We can only be made righteous by faith in Jesus Christ as the Lord of our lives. We can only become Christians because of what He has done.

Rene Monette is the pastor of Living Word Church, 109 Valhi Blvd. in Houma.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Baptist Pastor Howard Pittman | Insights After a Near Death Experience - Must listen & read!


Webster's dictionary defines "placebo" as a "medication prescribed more for the mental relief of a patient than for the actual effect on his disorder, or something tending to sooth." The doctors tell us that if we know we are being treated with a placebo, it does not work. In our minds we must think that it is a real medication and has the strength or power to heal. If the patient believes this, then the treatment has been known to work wonders in many cases that otherwise could not have been treated. Placebo treatment is, in fact, nothing of substance, but in the mind of the patient it is real. In order for this kind of treatment to work, the doctor must convince the patient of the work of the medication.

My friend, I declare unto you that this is exact "treatment" that most "mouth-professing" Christians are using today. The doctor administering this "medication" is Satan himself. He gives the "patient" a sugar-coated religion, a shallow experience, and whispers half-truths into his ears. He then tells the "patient" that it is real and that it is all the "patient" needs. Doctor Satan will allow his "patient" to continue to go to church, sing, pray, teach and even preach. But the "patient" will not be allowed to live the life that he confesses with his mouth.

On August 3, 1979, Howard Pittman's artery ruptured and died. His spirit was lifted from his body and taken into the Second Heaven where he saw many startling things. He appeared before the Lord in the Third Heaven where he pleaded for an extension of his physical life. It was here that God showed him what kind of life of worship and service to Jesus Christ he had really led. He was given a message to bring back to God's latter rain soldiers in this generation. That message is what this book is all about -- The greatest news since Pentecost!


Wednesday, April 10, 2024


Thursday, March 21, 2024

Roundtable: Brown & Storms vs. Peters & Osman


Biblical scholars from different theological backgrounds engaged in a vigorous debate over the biblical definition of a "false teacher" and "false prophet" — and whether or not controversial evangelists like Benny Hinn, Mike Bickle and Sid Roth belong in such a category. 

In a four-hour roundtable discussion, Justin Peters, leader of Justin Peters Ministries and Jim Osman, author and pastor of Kootenai Community Church, debated the issue with Michael Brown, host of the “Line of Fire” podcast and Sam Storms, pastor emeritus of Bridgeway Church in Oklahoma City.

The first hour of the debate opened with a focus on the biblical criteria for labeling someone a false teacher or prophet, with all participants agreeing that a false teacher promotes heresies that are fundamentally at odds with the core doctrines of Christianity, such as the deity of Christ, salvation by grace through faith and the resurrection. 

However, the conversation quickly delved into more contentious territory, with the four men examining whether individuals who have made significant errors in their teachings but later repented could still be considered false teachers.

A significant portion of the discussion centered around Hinn, who has come under scrutiny for his adherence to prosperity theology, teachings on prophecy and supernatural healing.

Both Brown and Storms referred to Hinn as a “brother” they said had made significant errors in his teachings but later repented. The four men debated the effectiveness of such repentance, with Peters and Osman contending that true repentance must be accompanied by a complete cessation of ministry and restitution. Brown and Storms, however, suggested a more nuanced approach that allows for the possibility of genuine change and continued ministry under accountability.

“Speaking personally ... I am reluctant to pass judgment on the eternal state of an individual's soul so long as that individual does not overtly and explicitly deny foundational, biblical fundamental truths of the Gospel,” Storms said.

“They may be quirky in terms of their personality. They may be manipulative in terms of their ministry style. They may have distorted views of money. The whole prosperity gospel, I think we all agree, it's abominable. But many of those who affirm it believe they have biblical grounds for it; they actually believe in their heart and their soul that that is God's design for how Christians are to live. … I'm not going to consign [Hinn] to Hell until I see explicit unrepentant immorality, idolatry and denial of the foundations with faith.”

Osman pointed out that Hinn never publicly repented for teaching a “nine-member godhead” heresy several decades ago and continues to use the prosperity gospel to fleece the poor, which he said qualifies him as a false teacher. 

“You think that Benny Hinn is a man who loves Jesus, loves Christ,” Osman said, addressing Storms. “I would submit to you that any man who gives false prophecies, doesn't care enough about God to put words in His mouth that He does not say, bring reproach on God, who knowingly puts forth false miracles, fake signs and wonders, does that knowingly, intentionally, and for decades tells the poor and sick people, ‘Give me money and God will bless you’ — that's not someone in my book who loves Christ. That's someone who hates Christ. That's someone who hates the Christ of the Bible. He may love a Jesus that he's created out of his own image, but he doesn't love the Jesus of the Bible. Where is the conviction of the Holy Spirit in this man? Where's the correction?”

The conversation also touched on the dangers of extreme judgmentalism within the Christian community. Storms and Brown expressed concern that the term "false teacher" is sometimes applied too broadly, potentially condemning individuals who hold different but non-heretical views on secondary issues, such as eschatology or the operation of spiritual gifts. This, they argued, could lead to unnecessary division and hinder the church's mission.

Brown shifted the conversation to Martin Luther, the seminal figure of the Protestant Reformation. Brown asked if Luther’s antisemitic writings and calls for harsh treatment against Jews, which were later used to fuel Nazi propaganda, could classify him as a false teacher despite his foundational contributions to Protestant theology.

“He promoted things that undermine the Gospel,” Brown said. “Many Jewish people think that Christianity is miserable and despicable because of Martin Luther … there is at least from our perspective ... a glaring double standard, an unequal weight measure and God hates unequal weights and measures.”

Peters replied that while he does not consider himself a “Luther apologist” and disagrees with the late theologian on a number of issues, he doesn’t believe he was a “false teacher.”

“Judging from the teachings that he gave concerning the Gospel, I can't on the basis of that and the things that he taught in those regards, call him a false teacher,” he said.

The discussion then turned to contemporary Christian leaders, including Mike Bickle of the International House of Prayer Kansas City (IHOPKC). Six months after this roundtable discussion was filmed, Bickle was accused of sexual abuse, an allegation Brown and Storms acknowledged in a joint statement shared in this video.

Bickle's claims of supernatural experiences and his association with controversial figures raised questions about discernment and the validation of prophetic experiences within the Christian community. Peters, Osman, Storms and Brown discussed the challenges of verifying such experiences and the importance of empirical evidence and biblical alignment in evaluating modern-day prophets and teachers.

“I believe that Mike Bickle has lied about a number of things. In fact, not the least of which he claims to have been to Heaven at least twice. I don't believe that,” Osman said.

Storms, defending Bickle, highlighted the complexity of discerning true from false teachings in the context of charismatic experiences. He pointed to instances where Bickle's prophetic experiences were said to be empirically verified, emphasizing the need for a careful and nuanced approach to discernment that considers both the content of the teachings and the character of the teacher.

“Mike Bickle is probably my best friend in this world,” Storms said. “When I hear people say they think Mike Bickle is a false teacher, it angers me. It really does, because I know the individual. We're not talking about just watching ministry. I know the man personally.”

The four also discussed the case of Roth, host of the "It's Supernatural" television program. Brown, while acknowledging his long-standing acquaintance with Roth, defended him against the accusations of being a false teacher, emphasizing Roth's personal integrity, lifestyle and commitment to outreach. 

“I've known Sid … for almost 40 years. He's never once even had an accusation of immorality, a single time, let alone lived in unrepentant sin. He's not enriched himself off of the Gospel over the decades. He has never denied a fundamental of the faith or taught a fundamental heresy, as far as I know, in all the years with him. He loves the Lord, is constantly doing outreach,” Brown said.

However, Osman and Peters raised concerns about Roth's platforming of individuals with questionable teachings and claims of supernatural experiences, suggesting that either Roth's discernment or his intentions were problematic.

“Roth has many many, many times said that God has told him things that theologically are untenable, and quite honestly just don't even pass the common sense test,” Osman said. “I don't doubt that Sid Roth is a nice guy, seems like a very personable guy, seems like he's kind of a funny guy at times. But I would say he is absolutely, completely unqualified to be in any kind of ministry.”

Despite disagreements, the four men expressed a shared commitment to discernment, biblical fidelity, and the pursuit of truth and demonstrated a willingness to engage in constructive dialogue. 

“Let's try to work together, see the good, and we can have our biblical differences,” Brown said. 

“I'll go toe to toe with anybody on the planet. … I'd love to have the conversations … to talk together rather than to be so put off by the differences. I'm not trying to be naive or overly simplistic, but I think there are things that we each have that we need, and I say in humility that there are things you brothers have that are important .. and I think it’s the same in the other direction, and the Body would be so helped by that.”

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Believers In Hell


Romans Part 2 Sin and Wrath: Chapter 1:18 - Chapter 3:20

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

White/Flowers Debate: Does John 6:44 Teach Unconditional Election?


Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Once Saved Always Saved Discussion WIth Dr Leighton Flowers


What Constitutes A True Assembly?

What Constitutes A True Assembly? by Jonah Lee

As written in the book of Acts, during the beginning of the Apostolic time, the ekklesia means the called-out community had no separate priestly class. Its first converts go everywhere preaching the Gospel of Christ. They are the first to proclaim the glad tidings of salvation, even before the apostles themselves left Jerusalem (Acts 8:4). Over time when there are sufficient converts in any place to form an assembly, they gather in the name of the LORD on the first day of the week to take holy communion and to edify one another in love. (Acts 20:7) When the opportunity comes for an Apostle to visit such gatherings, he chooses elders to oversee the flock; the assembly chooses deacons (diakonia: attendant serving at the table -trustworthy humble men) to serve the members. This is the entire constitution of the first congregation. If the LORD raises an evangelist, and souls are converted, they are baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This is done outside the assembly and not as a congregational act. Then, after due scrutiny by the elders, the evangelist's genuineness, if the community is satisfied, is received into communion (Acts 6:1-5). 

The congregation's divine order shows no distinction, such as between the clergy and the laity (structural hierarchy of Moses or leadership—only SERVANTHOOD that was laid down by Christ-John 13:8, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with Me). 

All stand on the same ground regarding the priesthood, worship, and closeness to God. The only priesthood, then, in the assemblies is the common priesthood of all believers. The humblest slave, if washed in the blood of Christ, is whiter than snow and fit to enter the holiest place and worship within the veil.  There is no outer court worship now to separate the sacred and profane. The separation of a privileged class - an ecclesiastic order - is unknown in the New Testament - it was invented much later by the antichrists who were operating at that time. 1John 2:18

Do you know that the word 'anti' has two meanings? The first one is to oppose and the other one is 'in place of' which is to replace or substitute. It refers to the two-pronged strategies of Satan or the opponent of Christ. He opposes Jesus as the Christ and as head of the church he seeks to substitute him. 

1Jn 2:18-22  Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many 'antichrists' have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us. But you have been anointed by the Holy One, and you all have knowledge. I write to you, not because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and because no lie is of the truth. Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son. The word 'deny' arneomai means to contradict that is to abnegate or renounce him as Christ. 

Later in Epistle three John wrote about this person Diotrephes: 3 John 1:9-11, I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the 'preeminence' among them, receiveth us not. Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth, prating against us with malicious words: and not content therewith, neither doth he receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth them out of the church. Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God. 

The ultimate goal of the enemy is to substitute Christ. It can be seen at every age. Thus, those who sought the glory to be in the place of Christ are the antichrists. It was Jesus who came as a human substitute and not a human who became the substitute for Him. 

It is the same old lie from Eden that “man is God.” Can you see how the Church system has relentlessly produced substitutes for Christ? The Bible tells us we are to emulate Jesus to be like Him, the way He conducts his life, and not be the substitute for Him, that is two different things.

In John chapter 10, Jesus states the distinction and calls them hirelings, and these hirelings will one day lead the flock to the false Christ.


Monday, March 11, 2024

The Gospel of the Kingdom | Frank Viola

Reimagining Church | Frank Viola


Pagan Christianity | Frank Viola & George Barna


Francis Chan On The House Church Movement

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Left Behind or Led Astray?

Monday, January 1, 2024

WEF Whistleblower: CBDCs Will Be Held On Microchips, Implanted Under The Skin

Former WEF ‘Global Leader for Tomorrow’ turned whistleblower, economist Professor Richard Werner, explains how—according to his sources—CBDCs will ultimately be held on small microchips implanted under the skin, and Universal Basic Income will be used to entice people into accepting this gross invasion of their freedom, privacy and bodily autonomy.

A cashless society would be 'the end of privacy' & Beginning Of Social Credit Systems

Cashless Society Means End Of Privacy Australian broadcaster, Cory Bernardi: If successful, the agenda to bring about a cashless, CBDC-based society, would herald the end of privacy, and the beginning of Chinese-style social credit systems, where every single transaction can be tracked and controlled. “You could find that insurance premiums might rise because of your diet or alcohol choices. And you could even find yourself canceled because those in charge—the wokesters—deemed that you were supporting the wrong retailer.”

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Why Great Reset Elites ADMIRE China’s Communist Regime

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence with Erick Stakelbeck | TBN Special