
O Lord, REVIVE Thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy. –Habakkuk 3:2
When you evaluate modern evangelical seeker-sensitive “wannabe” revivalists in the light of the Book of Acts, Jonathan Edwards (Jonathan Edwards on Revival), and Charles Finney (Lectures on Revivals of Religion), it becomes clear that there are some false ideas about revival, expressed in preaching, such as…
6. Preaching Miracles. – “God has a heart for the nations of the earth. He has promised the nations to His Son as His inheritance, and the ends of the earth as His possession. There is a new breed of revivalist emerging in the earth today to answer God’s cry for the nations of the earth to be healed. This new breed thinks differently and believes God can use their lives to see cities taken and nations discipled. They believe their lives were meant to be salt, thrown into the waters of society, to reverse the curse of barrenness on the land. God is not just raising up revivalists who will stand behind a pulpit, but revivalists who will go into the Seven Mind Molders of society so that the land can be healed.” [from Banning Liebscher's The New Breed of Revivalist] | “Igniting the Fires of Revival meetings are on the first Sunday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Christian Growth Center has entered a new season: A time of miracles, healings and financial blessings; a season of suddenlies! This will be an hour of power, so do not miss it. Come expecting a move of God as we set the atmosphere that is conducive for miracles.” [from Christian Growth Center]
7. Preaching Love.
8. Preaching Community.
9. Preaching Numerical Church Growth.
10. Preaching Holy Spirit. – “We believe revivalists are like supernatural paramedics who carry the life giving breath of God everywhere they go, which is the Holy Spirit. It only takes one man aflame to ignite another and the breath of God daily to sustain the burn. Sustained revival will come from revivalists who sustain the burn within themselves by living from their intimate relationship with God.” [from revivalistculture.com]
11. Preaching Faith.
12. Preaching Tithing In a “Pure” Way. – “We, you and us together, are co-laborers together with the Lord. The anointing that is on this ministry comes into your life the moment that you partner with this ministry because you join together with us in helping spread revival across America and around the world. You share in the same equal reward that the ministry receives. Every soul that gets saved comes to your account. God notices every little thing that you do.” [from revival.com]
13. Preaching Father God, Not Christ the Judge.
14. Preaching Passion.
15. Preaching Involvement In Events. (Good Works).
16. Preaching Prayer and Fasting.
17. Preaching Worship.
Signs of True Revival – The Great Awakening
Jonathan Edwards’ An Account of the Revival of Religion in Northampton, 1740-1742
1. Awakening to Heaven and Hell in Personal Conversations Among Young People.
2. Awakening to New Testament Rules of Holiness.
3. Sermons Like Those by Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield.
4. Rebukes to Lukewarmness.
5. Emphasizing Man’s Responsibility Before God.
6. Preaching Against Church Hypocrisy.
7. People Fainting and Crying in the Spirit for Overwhelming Convictions of Eternity.
8. Hours and Hours of Spirit-Filled, Joyful Prayer and Worship, and Fellowship.
9. Open Air Gospel Preaching (like George Whitefield).
10. Young People Convicted of a Holy Life Involved in House Church Meetings.
11. The Moral Law Taking Hold Over Many Young People’s Lives.
12. Fasting, Prayer, and Feeling God’s Presence.
13. Young People Strictly Avoiding Sexual Immorality.
Signs of True Revival – The Second Great Awakening
Charles Finney’s Lectures on Revivals of Religion, Ch. 1: “What a Revival of Religion Is”
1. Preaching the Judgments of God to Excite Fear and Obedience to God’s Moral Law.
2. Preaching Immediate Repentance and Personal Responsibility.
3. Miracles Confirm the Preaching of the Lordship Salvation Gospel.
4. Conversion from Backsliding and towards Obedience to God.
5. Zealous Love for God.
6. Zealous Love for Man–Seeking to Save Sinners from Hell.

O Lord, REVIVE Thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy. –Habakkuk 3:2
When you evaluate modern evangelical seeker-sensitive “wannabe” revivalists in the light of the Book of Acts, Jonathan Edwards (Jonathan Edwards on Revival), and Charles Finney (Lectures on Revivals of Religion), it becomes clear that there are some false ideas about revival, expressed in preaching, such as…
6. Preaching Miracles. – “God has a heart for the nations of the earth. He has promised the nations to His Son as His inheritance, and the ends of the earth as His possession. There is a new breed of revivalist emerging in the earth today to answer God’s cry for the nations of the earth to be healed. This new breed thinks differently and believes God can use their lives to see cities taken and nations discipled. They believe their lives were meant to be salt, thrown into the waters of society, to reverse the curse of barrenness on the land. God is not just raising up revivalists who will stand behind a pulpit, but revivalists who will go into the Seven Mind Molders of society so that the land can be healed.” [from Banning Liebscher's The New Breed of Revivalist] | “Igniting the Fires of Revival meetings are on the first Sunday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Christian Growth Center has entered a new season: A time of miracles, healings and financial blessings; a season of suddenlies! This will be an hour of power, so do not miss it. Come expecting a move of God as we set the atmosphere that is conducive for miracles.” [from Christian Growth Center]
7. Preaching Love.
8. Preaching Community.
9. Preaching Numerical Church Growth.
10. Preaching Holy Spirit. – “We believe revivalists are like supernatural paramedics who carry the life giving breath of God everywhere they go, which is the Holy Spirit. It only takes one man aflame to ignite another and the breath of God daily to sustain the burn. Sustained revival will come from revivalists who sustain the burn within themselves by living from their intimate relationship with God.” [from revivalistculture.com]
11. Preaching Faith.
12. Preaching Tithing In a “Pure” Way. – “We, you and us together, are co-laborers together with the Lord. The anointing that is on this ministry comes into your life the moment that you partner with this ministry because you join together with us in helping spread revival across America and around the world. You share in the same equal reward that the ministry receives. Every soul that gets saved comes to your account. God notices every little thing that you do.” [from revival.com]
13. Preaching Father God, Not Christ the Judge.
14. Preaching Passion.
15. Preaching Involvement In Events. (Good Works).
16. Preaching Prayer and Fasting.
17. Preaching Worship.
Signs of True Revival – The Great Awakening
Jonathan Edwards’ An Account of the Revival of Religion in Northampton, 1740-1742
1. Awakening to Heaven and Hell in Personal Conversations Among Young People.
2. Awakening to New Testament Rules of Holiness.
3. Sermons Like Those by Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield.
4. Rebukes to Lukewarmness.
5. Emphasizing Man’s Responsibility Before God.
6. Preaching Against Church Hypocrisy.
7. People Fainting and Crying in the Spirit for Overwhelming Convictions of Eternity.
8. Hours and Hours of Spirit-Filled, Joyful Prayer and Worship, and Fellowship.
9. Open Air Gospel Preaching (like George Whitefield).
10. Young People Convicted of a Holy Life Involved in House Church Meetings.
11. The Moral Law Taking Hold Over Many Young People’s Lives.
12. Fasting, Prayer, and Feeling God’s Presence.
13. Young People Strictly Avoiding Sexual Immorality.
Signs of True Revival – The Second Great Awakening
Charles Finney’s Lectures on Revivals of Religion, Ch. 1: “What a Revival of Religion Is”
1. Preaching the Judgments of God to Excite Fear and Obedience to God’s Moral Law.
2. Preaching Immediate Repentance and Personal Responsibility.
3. Miracles Confirm the Preaching of the Lordship Salvation Gospel.
4. Conversion from Backsliding and towards Obedience to God.
5. Zealous Love for God.
6. Zealous Love for Man–Seeking to Save Sinners from Hell.
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