Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Clergy - Biblical or Not Biblical?

Don Martin

"Clergy" is commonly defined as, "The group or body of ordained persons in a religion, as distinguished from the laity" (Random House college Dictionary, pg. 251).

The scriptures do distinguish between the preacher and those to whom he preachers. Timothy was to "put the brethren in remembrance of these things...." In so doing, "...thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ..." (I Tim. 4: 6). Timothy was charged with the responsibility of preaching to the brethren at Ephesus (I Tim. 1: 3, 2 Tim. 4: 1-5). The teaching that an evangelist is one who only preaches to the lost (not the church) is fallacious: " the work of an evangelist..." (vs. 5, cf. 2-4). Preachers have requisite qualifications to meet (I Tim., 2 Tim., Tit., etc.). Preachers who so labor are to be respected and financially supported (I Cor. 9: 6-14). Let it be clear, therefore, that I am not referring to "preachers" in the scriptural sense as clergy.

Clergy, as used in the scriptures. As a matter of fact, "clergy" in the sense of a group of ordained persons (preachers) enjoying a lofty position over the "laity" is not in the vocabulary or concept of the Holy Spirit (not in scriptures). However, the Greek word kleron (plural of kleros) is found. Kleron is translated "God’s heritage" in I Peter 5: 3. Peter is instructing elders (not preachers, as such) not to be lord’s over God’s heritage, the church. The interesting point is our English word clergy derives from kleros, the word the Spirit used to designate the people of God in general (what man calls "laity") and not a select, distinguished group.

The spirit of exaltation and ascendancy is condemned. One of the main problems with religion in Jesus’ day was "the clergy." Many of the religious leaders "loved the uppermost rooms at feasts…and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi" (Matt. 23: 6, 7). They especially enjoyed religious titles which exhalted them over the "laity," titles such as "father," Jesus explained (Matt. 23: 8, 9, how about common titles today such as "Reverend"?). They "shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in," Jesus further stated (vs. 13).

Jesus compared the "clergy" of his day to "blind leaders of the blind" and said "both shall fall into the ditch" (Matt. 15: 14). Indeed, the scriptures recognize men who have dedicated themselves to the proclamation of the gospel, but the scriptures condemn the modern "clergy/laity" concept so common in denominationalism and, too often, in the Lord's church (2 Tim. 2: 2-26, cf. Jas. 3: 1).

Source here

Church Leaders and The Use of Honorific Titles (Must Read)

1 comment:

  1. Amen! However, the church would never forsake this false doctrine. Once this false doctrine is forsaken the institution will crumble. Most clergy feed on the feeling or sense of (self) importance when they serve in a good sense but very few actually belief they are a true servant to God and to others. Most of them believe they are above those who are not in their rank whom they classified as laity. They feel most important when they proclaimed authority over God's heritage. They even called them their sheep implying that they are the master and not a servant. Any people disagree with them are deemed to be rebellious to their authority. They believe God has honored them with promotion, title and position similar to that of the secular practice. They seldom preach the commandments of Christ instead they prefer to preach about Moses' seat to justify their belief. They are more Mosian than Christian which is the Tragedy of the modern day institution! To be fair, on the other hand, the institution has its good side where everything is under control but on the bad side the eternal purpose of God for Christ to rule over His people has been inadvertently eliminated. Thus, the prophecy of the old serpent, You shall be as God has been completely fulfilled in this age.
