Sunday, July 4, 2010



All over the world, I saw some teachers teaching in churches, in classrooms, outdoors, all over.
These teachers were anointed of God and brought excellent teachings, rooted and grounded in the Word of God. Their teachings could not be faulted, they were balanced and timely.

On the window sills, of all these places of teachings, writings, recordings, sat many eagles. They listened attentively to all that was being taught and were thrilled to hear such balanced sound teachings.

The teachers taught on prophets and prophecies, they taught on biblical foundations, they taught on true and false prophets, they taught on how to weigh prophecies.

All teachings by these anointed ministers were excellent and encouraging to those who heard them. At the end of the lessons many eagles would open their beaks wanting to ask certain questions, but the questions would not come forth clearly, in a language that the teachers could understand, and what did come forth sounded odd and somewhat incoherent to these anointed teachers.

After the eagles had heard all these teachings they flew up in the open skies. The teachings had blessed them they had no doubt about that. And yet, they had not received any clear responses from the teachers to the questions they had struggled to ask.
Flying up in the open skies, many young and old felt lonely. The old di not know it, but they had within them many answers and the young had many questions.

Suddenly as the eagles flew scattered here and there in the skies, something a distance away from them whizzed past at great speed. The older eagles each flew to a rock and stood there, they did not see what had whizzed past, but sensed definitely that something had just happened. If only they knew what had just happened to make them feel this way, they would understand what to do about it. How they longed to know! They knew that God was Saying something to them through this ‘feeling’ this ‘sensing’…..…..but what? They were sensing something in their spirit, what was it? Was it good tidings? Or was it a warning?

An eaglet that was flying closest to that, ‘something’, which had whizzed past in the sky, saw what had whizzed past it, but could not understand what it signified. O! How the eaglet longed to know!
The eaglet was crest-fallen.
The older eagles were puzzled.

The eaglet flew from class to class where the anointed teachers were teaching. But none could understand the eaglet’s speech. The eaglet kept saying, “ I feel I feel I feel so low……….……as if………...”
Other eaglets and young eagles also went to the teachers and said, “ I feel………..I feel……I feel so low……….as if ………Oh! Tell me what’s wrong with me!”
As anointed as the teachers were, they were out of their depth, they could not answer the eagles.

Disappointed this little eaglet flew off back into the skies, and heard clearly the Lord Saying, “Go to that rock, you will find an older eagle there. I will Answer your question through him”.
The eaglet flew to the rock and just as the Lord had Said, the little eaglet found the older one perched on the rock, gazing up at the skies.

The eaglet told the older eagle all it had seen up close but how it made no sense to him.

The older eagle listened carefully to all that the eaglet shared and suddenly his face lit up, as he understood what it was that the eaglet had seen and what it signified for all eagles.. What the eaglet shared, answered some questions, the older eagle had in his heart. His doubts were dissolved, by all that the eaglet shared.
Now having understood what the Lord had been Showing them, they flew off to find divinely, other eagles to share what had happened. What the eaglet had seen was not ‘glad tidings’, but a timely warning. All rejoiced that God had warned them in advance, of things to come.
Whensoever eagles were puzzled, curious to understand certain things, the Lord led them to other eagles, in this way, more and more eagles divinely found each other, and some part of the loneliness they felt, was diminished by such divine connections and communion.
The Vision ends here.

I would like to mention here that:
(Over a period of time, from visions I have been shown in the past, I have been sensing this for quite sometime that divine connections and gatherings are underway but will be much more pronounced and visible than before, and this particular vision confirms, that the time for this has now come)

Whilst the false prophetic and their ‘clubs’ are being torn down by right and wholesome and balanced teachings, by some very anointed teachers, the true prophets are mostly scattered due to the nature of the times we are in.
God in His Mercy will continue to Send very anointed teachers, who are themselves as skilled craftsmen, who understand well the Word of God and are gifted to convey their teachings with simplicity and with crystal clarity.

Yet, inspite of their great depth of understanding the prophetic, they do not themselves understand the prophets! They do not understand the day to day challenges that the true prophets face. They are not fully equipped to address the prophets’ struggles.

There are prophets who will not touch many of the books and teachings that are sold, in the ‘market’ by other self-proclaimed prophets, as they do not desire to learn from faulty teachings.

I believe the Lord is divinely connecting prophets that they may learn from each others’ experiences, their walk in the Lord, and from the skills that He has Given to each. This divine gathering is not that the old might lord over the young but that they may all encourage and enrich and exhort and bring timely correction to each other, where necessary. A prophet’s walk is sometimes lonely. Their lifestyle a little different. They go through agonies and ecstasies that those who are not prophets cannot understand, and would likely mock, or term them ‘insane’. The gathering of prophets is not to make them out to be as an ‘elite class’ nor is it to interfere with the unique message each brings, but the gathering is to enrich each other by their sharings.

Nor is it a gathering ordained by man, such too are already underway, started by the ‘good ideas’ of man………no, this which is referred to in this vision, is a divine gathering together of prophets in small and large groups. These are not exclusive clubs, but rather a place of learning from each other. These gatherings brought forth by the Hand of God will be abundantly fruitful, and will be a blessing to the Church. Strengthened in this way, the divine manner in which the Lord will gather prophets to fellowship with each other will also help sharpen skills, that each may serve better the Body of Christ.

It has been a lonely walk for many prophets and I believe that the Lord has heard their yearning/their need for fellowship with like-minded eagles.
This yearning and need has a divine purpose of God to bring prophets together to bring forth His bigger purpose for the Body of Christ, to come to pass through them.

Prophets will be divinely connected and be used in each others lives for the ‘dissolving of doubts’.
This divine connecting, at times will lead to what some prophets may consider just mere mundane sharing, but prophets beware, do not despise the day of small things. See with your spiritual eyes, and you will see the greater purpose of God, weaved into the simple, the ordinary which will lead to the extraordinary and have you gasping with excitement, thanking and praising God, for what it all culminates and unfolds into.

Swarna Jha

This vision was recorded on the 22nd September 2007 in a studio in Bombay-India
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