Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Consciousness of Priesthood in this nation

by Susan Tang (The Station of Life)

We have decided to turn SOL, a 3-week school into just a 14-day school to train WATCHMEN AND INTERCESSORS for the nations. We have heard God’s mandate to raise up watchmen and intercessors and to bring the church back into the consciousness of priesthood – which is, in fact our first calling.

“... let yourselves be built, as living stones, into a spiritual temple; become a holy priesthood.” 1 Peter 2:5

Priesthood (waiting, watching in God’s presence with prayers and intercessions) is indeed one of the most lamentable lack in modern day Christianity – this is why the powers of darkness have prevailed and gone unchallenged as they destroyed nations after nations and cities after cities. Indeed, mankind languish for the lack of priests – for today, we can hardly find them in our churches, families, societies and our nations. Today, there seems to be a concentrated conspiracy in contemporary Christianity to drive the consciousness of priesthood far from the church

We cannot patrol our nation or bring God’s presence to where we are by our fleshly church programs, carnal activities of multimedia displays, sensual concerts, sound and noise – we have to discipline ourselves into priesthood. We must learn to pray and touch God. Many are aware that the economy have collapsed but many do not know that the economy is only one of the 6 devastating elements that make up this coming devastating global storm. Look at the six deadly components now.

  • Collapsing economy
  • Wide spread wars
  • Violent politics
  • Sudden geophysical attacks
  • Dark religion (deception)
  • Rise of incurable sicknesses and diseases
The worse on this list is dark religion which actually means deception or polluted Christianity.( fables, doctrines of devils, heresies, unsound doctrines of men) Our Lord warned His disciples that deception is the first sign of the end times and that they should beware of it.. (Matt. 24) These words have fallen onto deaf ears – this is why heresies, fables, unsound doctrines and the spirit of harlotry have entered into our churches today, causing the precious ‘gold to become dim’ and turning God’s precious stones of the temple ‘to be poured out onto the streets’ as cheap and common stones with no value.

Yes, the mark of distinction in the church today is indeed dim. She had indeed been cheapen and is no longer uncommon or distinct as God wanted her to be because she had lost her valuable royal priesthood. When we cease to exist as priests before God, we ceased in value, in meaning, in fulfillment – in everything.

Under such dark circumstances of wide spread wars, violent politics, collapsing economy, rise of geophysical attacks and sicknesses, we know many people will want to seek God. Hardened hearts may soften a little. But when they do walk into our churches will they truly find God? Or will they find dark religion or the polluted gospel of prosperity and merchandising? Will there be true worship or just pagan music, fanciful programs and fleshly activities led by semi-clad worshippers? Will they find the preaching of God’s word in our churches or will they find some hollow-out, motivational and feel-good messages? Will they find man of God, true priests behind the pulpit or just charlatan-preachers with body piercing, tattoos and gaudy printed tee shirts with skulls and dragons?

In America, David Wilkerson had just unleashed a powerful prophetic word that there will be an earth shattering calamity soon. It is so horrible that even the godliest of men would tremble. What is it? The work of terrorists. Yes, God is going to use the bombs and fires of terrorists ‘as a rod ‘to deal with His church, just like He used the Babylonians to deal with the nation of Israel when they lost their distinction and broke all the landmarks He had set for them. Wilkerson prophesied that this will start in America but it will spread into other part of the world. Who can have peace and safety in days like these? Those who pray and those who had not forsaken their God-appointed priesthood.

Ezekiel 9 thrusts us into a scene in heaven where God ordered five death angels to slaughter everyone in the city of Jerusalem. Even babies were not spared. (Had the tsunamis, earthquakes, diseases etc. spared babies?) Before unleashing this horrific judgment, the merciless slaughter of young and old, God ordered the marking or the sealing of all the faithful watchmen, intercessors or priests in the land – those who had ‘sigh and cry’ over the sins of the land. These men or women with ‘marked foreheads’ were spared the blow from the death angels.

Five death angels were send out to destroy lives and only one were send out to mark the foreheads of those worthy to be spared. The death angels took a long time to do their work while the angel of life did a quick work – meaning there were many heads to kill but not very many heads to mark for protection.

We want to do God’s mandateto help our churches return to the consciousness of priesthood in this nation. We want to patrol our nation – we can only do this as we serve as watchmen and intercessors and minister to God. If you too, have this desire, then come and pray, watch and wait along with us in this 8 days. Be brave enough to change the system of busyness, of noise, sound, of being driven, of running, hyping, performing. Instead come away from it for awhile, settle into God’s love and let your deep cry be as the Shulamite bride in the Song of Songs, “Draw me away! We will run after You! (not after success) We will be glad and rejoice in You.”


Watchman (English Session):

March 1st to March 14th
July 1st to July 14th
November 15th to November 29th

Watchman (Bahasa Malaysia Session):

September 20th to September 27th

Registration Forms :

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