Demi Lovato is convinced the God she knows and loves would never cross LGBT lovers. (Facebook)
New York Times best-selling author, entertainer and singer Demi Lovato is convinced the God she knows and loves would never reject LGBT lovers.
"The LOVING God that I believe in would never condemn anyone for loving another human of the same sex. That's just what I believe, and everyone is entitled to their own beliefs," Lovato told her 23 million Twitter followers.
Lovato remembers learning about God's unconditional love as a little girl and says it made a lasting impact on her life.
"I grew up learning in Sunday school and Bible camps about a God who loves all--no matter where you came from or what you've done. A man named Jesus who forgives people of all sins, including horrible things like murder, if you simply ask for forgiveness and accept him into your heart," she said. "Now I'm no Bible thumper, but I truly believe that same Lord and savior loves ALL no matter who you are or where you've come from and especially who you love."
Lovato, who guest-starred on the television show Glee last season as a lesbian, is upset that folks are judging the LGBT--short for "lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender"--community for the way they express their love to one another.
"It really breaks my heart, and I'll never be able to understand why this world can't learn to accept one another for who they are without passing judgment," she said. "You are not God, therefore leave the judging to him."
Why are more and more people who were raised in church coming to the conclusion that God is OK with same-sex romantic relationships?
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